Renewal and rebirth
We all need a good “spring cleaning” in those trying times and this is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the reciprocal effects of the Spirit, our pure Self, on the matter and vice versa. Shri Mataji has talked many times about this very crucial tug of war. When the matter dominates the relationship, it keeps our attention involved with material things and we act and think more and more…well, materialistic. Money, possessions and so on become really important and people, relationships and spiritual goals less and less important. This is a big feature of the modern society everywhere and even apparent “escapes” from it are just further refinements: people who “had everything” retire all of a sudden and buy their own little island to live “naturally” and “leave the rate race behind”…This is clearly no solution as it is not generalizable and does not free our attention from matter, just shifts its focus from one form of matter to another. There is a little improvement in the quality of that matter - more natural, thus better vibrations and more joy, but that can be easily enjoyed anywhere without the need to own it….
When our motherly Kundalini energy rises and the Self starts enlightening the attention, slowly the focus of it changes over time. Of course, nobody can live without matter but we then start appreciating and then seeking the subtler and subtlest qualities of it. When matter imbibes and then emits vibrations either from contact with realized souls or as a happening of its natural creation, it really touches our Spirit and tickles us with true Joy, the ultimate fulfillment of any want and search. With time we start spontaneously looking for and choosing objects, places and so on which satisfy our Spirit and we care very little for the ones that do not. And because one of the greatest joys contained in the matter is the giving of it, our generosity starts flowing naturally as well and strengthens the bonds we have with everyone around.
The process of rebirth - as a realized soul is called as “dwijaha” in Sanskrit meaning twice-born - also triggers renewal in our own material body as well. Once the central channel starts expanding more and an increasing number of strands of our Kundalini rise and flow through our subtle system, they start also flowing through the rest of the secondary channels throughout our body. The combined effects of improving the main chakras and channels together with the lateral expansion of the flow have many beneficial and sometimes really amazing consequences. This is the true renewal of our being and it goes beyond rejuvenation, balancing and healing into a state of complete well-being and shared spiritual fulfillment. This process can start very soon after Self Realization and move speedily ahead once we fully consolidate our meditation and clearing practice.