The Spring of Archetypes
Between March 21st - Shri Mataji’s birthday - and May 5th - the opening of the Sahasrara - there are six and a half weeks of great spiritual concentration. During this period several of the greatest figures pertaining to many spiritual traditions of humankind were born and/or major events in their life as well as the life of other great figures occurred and are celebrated by followers of Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Zoroastrian and periodically (like this year) Muslim faiths. This convergence makes it a perfect time to notice how every one of them talked in both similar and complementary ways about our evolution, the Eternal and the ways to keep in touch with our pure Self as we navigate the sometimes rough seas of the material world.
For centuries and millennia we had no direct way of experiencing their integration. As Shri Mataji explains it it, they are the great Flowers on the Tree of Life. The corollary is that we have to experience their integrated fragrance as part of the living tree, otherwise if we pull the flowers from the tree and start arguing about them, all we will have is sterile concepts, withering flowers and no fragrance. Once we establish our Self Realization and pursue regular meditation, the fact that each of them has a special relationship with the evolution of our subtle system becomes obvious and easy to verify as well as extremely useful to cleanse and balance our chakras and channels.
Another beautiful consequence of this inner integration is a natural and effortless way of relating to all kinds of people coming from various cultural and spiritual backgrounds. It makes it very easy to become friends with everyone and learn and enjoy many things about cultures and peoples that we would otherwise never be able to. And we can easily help bridge conversations and differences and many times avoid or alleviate conflicts. This is truly priceless in today's world with the paradoxical coexistence of many more connections and networks with increasing separation and conflict at individual and collective levels. So this spring let’s all cultivate the awareness of our Self where all archetypes meet !