What is Meditation?
There are so many definitions – and misconceptions – about meditation. It is, above all, a state rather than a procedure. It is a destination of our awareness.
Everyone has described the “true” meditation with the same words, for thousands of years. Calm, thoughtless, heightened awareness, peaceful yet alert, balanced, a feeling of lightness and coolness.

The only way to get there is by the spontaneous evolution of our awareness.
It is an internal process, and a completely natural one. It cannot be mechanically forced from the outside. It is triggered by our pure desire to reach our true Self. This desire may be “formless” for the time being, or we may have manifested it in one or more of many possible ways, ranging from consciously and assiduously looking for the “big answers” to rebellious behaviour or dangerous lifestyles caused by chronic dissatisfaction with what is around us.
At the weekly meetings a progressive path is slowly carved through guided meditation. We also reveal the framework that helps us consciously understand ourselves and everything else in the light of the new awareness and new reality of the Self. This new awareness can eventually fully blossom through the discipline of daily meditation at home, with ongoing support from the established members of the group.