The upper floors
Shri Mataji tells about Her father insisting She should give Self Realization on a large scale before talking too much about higher realms, divine power and so on. He said that when living on the ground level only, one cannot even imagine that a high building exists and if someone describes Reality from the 10th floor nobody will understand. But if one is helped to climb to second floor, everything changes and the understanding of the reality of verticality is now possible.
How this can happen is the realm of a true Master, as Shri Mataji is. And the key is the 7th chakra, the Sahasrara. It is the opening of the Sahasrara that allows our attention, carried by the Kundalini energy, to merge into collective consciousness and absolute awareness. And because it has the control centres for all the other chakras, once the Sahasrara is opened and cleansed, it mediates the rebalancing and healing of all the other centres. This happens in conjunction with the power of the very first chakra, the Mooladhara, which sustains the Kundalini and the whole process of ascent.
And the key to the Sahasrara itself is in our Heart. The area that opens first, right in the middle of the Sahasrara, is the projection of our Heart chakra. So a reasonably open heart without either too much emotional attachments or, even worse, negative or hateful feelings, will allow for a natural, spontaneous opening of the Sahasrara when the motherly Kundalini energy reaches there. It is a beautiful process and it highlights the obstacles that have sometimes built within ourselves. Luckily, practically all of them can be overcome with perseverance, opening of the heart and strengthening of our innocence and purity. And thus with the immeasurable help of a great Master like Shri Mataji, we can reach fairly easily at least the lower floors and marvel at how amazing the world looks from there…And of course, gather strength for the path for the upper floors !