Immunity of the Self

Nowadays there is so much emphasis on “immunity” against all sorts of threats and challenges. It is usually implied as an ability to react to, defend from, defeat an enemy of some sort. A dynamic power that we can trigger under certain conditions. That can be trained by challenges or “borrowed” as ready made antibodies, and so on.

It is most interesting to consider another kind of “immunity”: natural resistance or the innate lack of vulnerability. For a threat to catch on, it needs an entry portal. Without a TV, we are “immune” to false statements and assumptions. Without a cellular receptor of a certain kind, we are “immune” to a specific viral or bacterial agent. Without a weakness of our innocence, we are naturally resistant to lust. Without a weakness of our logic, we cannot come to a wrong conclusion if the premises are correct.

Our true Self offers the ultimate in natural resistance. It cannot be attacked or corrupted in any way. It is so pure and subtle that it cannot be touched by anything material. And in fact the essence of matter is pure - as it is vacuum. What we call “matter” is made of atoms and molecules, which are by far mostly vacuum. Who can hurt the vacuum ?….Our pure Self is benevolence of the material nature of the vacuum. As Lao-Tse has described it as Tao - in everything and beyond everything.

Thus, when our attention identifies more and more with the pure Self, it gets purified by it and over time all our vulnerabilities decrease to a large extent, some completely. This state of “natural immunity” is most enjoyable as it is effortless and spontaneous. This is yet another way that Self Realization benefits all that have it and cultivate it.


The Master Principle


The upper floors