The Mother of all things
The structure and nature of our chakras and subtle system illustrate perfectly the beautiful concept of potential and kinetic energy, as well as of instrument and power. As Shri Mataji has many times explained, there cannot be any outer manifestation without an instrument. Without a functioning light bulb, we would never know that electricity was flowing through the socket. In a creative dimension, the painting could never materialize the power of creativity of the painter without the help of the brush… And the potential vs kinetic energy is one more step towards the subtler side. They are one and the same in different states - contained vs in flow. When contained, it can accumulate and/or persist. When in flow it powers the instruments and generate outer manifestation.
For time immemorial, in all cultures and spiritual traditions, the ultimate potential energy that powers the universe in all its gross and subtle aspects has been said to be of a feminine, motherly nature. In the old Vedic culture it was called as Shri Adi Shakti - The Primordial Feminine Power. In China Lao Tse called it as Tao and Mother of all things. It was called as Shekhina in the ebraic tradition and the Holy Ghost in Christianity and by many other names in different places at different times. Our own inner motherly energy, the Kundalini, can be said to be a reflection of it. This is why it is so subtle and yet so powerful, able to loosen all the “knots” we have created inside and heal and balance the chakras. Above all, that is why it is able to lift our awareness into the realm of the pure Self, because her ultimate nature is eternal pure Love and the same can be said of the Self as well.
After we have our Self-realization, we become aware of the presence and flow of the all pervading living and loving energy. Better yet, we can start flowing with it and, as Lao Tse points out that “It accomplishes all things”, we understand and experience how one can be active yet effortless. When we sense the current and swim with it, how enjoyable and easy it is rather than going against it ? Especially when the current always points us in the best direction for ourselves as well as the ones around us ! Gradually the burden of “I must do” can shift to the enjoyment of “it will be done” and the same actions can be relaxed and much more efficient. What's more, humility will flourish naturally with that change of view, and humility is the ultimate quality through which we can improve ourselves in every direction, from the worldly to the most subtle and spiritual. Just like good children, learning from their mother !