Permanent evolution

A couple of cosmological news in the last month or so are beautiful illustrations of how everything is in motion and evolution.

The first one involved a supermassive black hole that is apparently “running away” from the core of its galaxy, according to NASA. And in the process it is actually making new stars rather than consuming them. It is not really known what could be driving such a “behaviour” which had never been observed or thought of before. The leading hypothesis suggest this being the result of a 3-way meeting of supermassive black holes and their galaxies. Their “dance” produced this unbelievable chain of consequences that defies all our usual mental images of those truly colossal Universe structures.

The second piece of news concerned the release of a book and a related interview by one of the closest collaborators of Stephen Hawking. Thomas Hertog and Hawking worked for 15 years on trying to understand how was possible for the myriad of conditions necessary for life to emerge in our Universe. And the conclusion is pretty stunning and best described in Hertog’s own words as quoted in The Guardian article: “According to Hertog, the new perspective that he has achieved with Hawking reverses the hierarchy between laws and reality in physics and is “profoundly Darwinian” in spirit. “It leads to a new philosophy of physics that rejects the idea that the universe is a machine governed by unconditional laws with a prior existence, and replaces it with a view of the universe as a kind of self-organising entity in which all sorts of emergent patterns appear, the most general of which we call the laws of physics.””

This is truly a big deal. And to achieve this kind of paradigm shift one needs to be really free in their thinking and able to leave behind previously held convictions and ideas. Hawking was famous for this. He made many theoretical and paradigm bets with other physicists and lost most of them. But this allowed everyone to go further and leave old ideas behind and he was always quick to acknowledge the new facts and theories as being the correct ones. The same applies to our inner laws and, as previously mentioned, the evolutionary paradigm is central to Sahaja Yoga. Our Kundalini energy herself is the essence of our ability to evolve and reach beyond our old mental concepts and emotional tie-ups. This gets us moving towards an absolute perception of the subtler realities and achieving balance as a result of acknowledging and understanding them. And once we truly we reflect the beauty of the Universe as an amazing self-organizing entity, we will greatly enjoy every minute of it.


The Mother of all things


A smile for the ages