Truth, Attention, Bliss
The Spirit, our true Self, is defined by this beautiful oneness of the 3 attributes: Truth, Attention and Bliss / Joy. In Sanskrit this is called as Sat-Chit-Ananda and it denotes the state of Spirit itself, as well as “us” becoming and experiencing that. The capitalization symbolizes the absolute, completely pure nature of the attributes. It is by this purity and the simultaneous existence and expression of all of them that we know when we have indeed touched our Spirit.
Is it the absolute Truth that penetrates the pure Attention and triggers pure Joy ? Is it the Attention that finds the Truth and that brings the Joy ? Is it the sudden arrival of Joy that captures the Attention and then reveals the Truth ?…This is the most beautiful and sublime charade…As the attributes stem from the essence of the 3 energy channels, we may have a slight penchant to one or another so the circle can start from any point, but in the end it is complete and nobody can say where it’s beginning or end are…It turns around itself invisibly - or maybe it is standing eternally still ?….
Once we are established in our Realization we can begin to assess our inner balance through the eyes of our Spirit, in the most subtle and sensitive way. And not only the slightest deviation or trouble is perceived in perfect detail, its solution is also simultaneously presented as well ! With time, self-management becomes akin to the myriad of gentle adjustments of a very experienced driver that makes the car move smoothly and seemingly effortlessly on the best trajectory. True mastery makes the process imperceptible from the outside and the exceptional resilience and balance that are its natural consequences become permanent parts of one's aura.
The Sat-Chit-Ananda state of the Spirit manifests as a unique combination of inexhaustible energy, very deep and wide knowledge, extreme compassion and forgiveness and complete innocence. It is joy and support giving to everyone around and all life in general. It has been the hallmark of all great saints, masters and Incarnations and extremely evident in the life and personality of Shri Mataji. And at a more attainable level it is most obvious when collective meditations and gatherings of Sahaja yogis happen. But about that we will talk in some time…