Knowledge and creation

The power to learn. The power to create. Both so much prized in our society for centuries as synonymous with achievement, fame and so on. We usually equate them with powers or qualities of our brain. But the subtle system has some other truths in store. Rather than originating in our brain, those powers come from far away in chakra distances as they originate in our second chakra - the Swadhistana. They do, of course, ultimately manifest through our brain activity but localizing them at their true site helps both understand them and troubleshoot when needed.

Another interesting fact is not only do they come from our second chakra, but the learning comes mostly from the left side and the creativity from the right side. And this fully explains why some very bright folks - with many famous nowadays - seem to be loaded with creativity and have no interest in acquiring previous knowledge besides what enables them to manifest their creativity. Thus they become school dropouts and so on. It also becomes clear why many people seem excellent at accumulating knowledge but they will never come up with anything truly creative during their life. And then there are a few enjoying a balance of both powers and they usually end up making a lasting impact around themselves.

When we overdo it and use most of the energy of the second chakra for mental activities, it may run short of energy requirements for completing its other assignments. This includes looking after many of our abdominal organs, so some trouble in that area usually starts with an overload of the second chakra. On the right, the excess heat generated when we think too much and plan too much can rise through the right channel and create more trouble in upper chakras and organs. That can be avoided if we manage to live our life with sufficient mental silence to allow the chakra to recover and could off. There are also more specific ways to help it cool it off during meditation. And then we can move to the next level where we act in creative ways spontaneously, without much planning or thinking, in a state of “flow” as it has been described for top performers in many activities. With regular meditation and attaining balance in our second chakra it can become a very nice regular happening!


The knowledge of love


Beyond anger